When Bobby and I retired in 2015, we wanted to find a hobby to enjoy together. Given Bobby’s love for fine cigars, I suggested, “Why don’t we sell cigars?” By blending his passion with our enthusiasm for the outdoors and local festivals, we thought we might be on to something special.
Leveraging Bobby’s expertise and affection for cigars, we began by connecting with local cigar makers in historic Ybor City, once known as the cigar capital of the world. After extensive networking, research and numerous long ashes, we established a solid foundation of premium cigars for our new adventure.
With a business plan centered around fun and community, we set out to offer fine cigars to festival-goers and the general public. Our mobile venues and website enable us to meet new people and expand our industry connections continuously.
In the few months since our hobby turned into our near
full-time business, we‘ve significantly expanded our inventory to include a diverse range of fine cigars, humidors and accessories.
Bobby lovingly refers to his cigars as his “babies,“ carefully monitoring them to ensure we deliver the freshest selection of hand-chosen cigars. Our goal is to offer premium hand rolled cigars that have been stored to perfection at an affordable price.
We continually strive to improve our business, always trying different humidors and calibrating the hygrometers to be sure that you receive each cigar as it was intended to be by the local hand-crafter.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
Bobby, affectionately known as Boston Bobby to our patron, takes immense pride in his cigars. He offers only the freshest, hand rolled, long leaf cigars he can find. Each cigar in his collection is personally selected, and enjoyed, by Bobby with the goal of sharing his passion for cigars with the community. Our mission is to provide fine cigars to the public at affordable prices. We achieve this by maintaining minimal overhead and adhering to a business plan that prioritizes both quality and affordability.
All of the cigars that we offer are meticulously hand-selected from Tampa Bay’s premier cigar artisans most of whom are based in Tampa’s historic Ybor City, once celebrated as “Cigar City: The Cigar Capital of the World.” We are also proud to feature the entire line of Blanco Cigar Company cigars..
The Blanco Cigar Company corporate offices & North America distribution center are located in Seminole, FL. The Blanco family’s dedication to a strong family-oriented business model means that many members play an active role in various aspects of the company. We are honored to offer these exceptional cigars at B&L Fine Cigars.